Light of Hope Church

Hope! Is there any left? At Light of Hope Mennonite Church; we believe
that in the middle of a dark world, all people can still find hope in the Light of the World, Jesus Christ.

Our Church was formed in 2001 to spread the “Light of Hope” to the community around us; as well as to our families rising after us; through Biblical teaching, preaching, singing, and living.

We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God and that it is to
be obeyed and applied in the everyday life of the true child of God. We believe
that Jesus is the Son of God; that He lived a sinless life of servanthood; that He
died for our sins, to bring us back into relationship with God, our Creator; and
that He arose as Victor over death, sin, and Satan. We believe He ascended into heaven and will one day return to judge the world and take His Church home to live with Him, forever. We believe that biblical brotherhood requires a mutual submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ that is reflected in our love and service to all people, and in our accountability and submission to each other.

All are welcome to attend and worship with us via live stream, or in person at our church services.
For more information on our beliefs and similar churches in other areas visit: